Barney Bear was a series of animated cartoon short subjects produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer cartoon studio. The titular character was an anthropomorphic cartoon character, a sluggish, sleepy bear who often is in pursuit of nothing but peace and quiet.
Début des années 1980s, avec et sans pied.
"Entre 1944 et 1947, Carl Barks a dessiné 26 histoires mettant en vedette l'âne Benny Burro et l'ours
Barney Bear pour Dell Publishing. Bientôt, il s'est rendu compte que le monde de ces deux personnages était limité et il a inventé de nouveaux mondes pour eux, comme il l'avait fait et ferais
encore pour ses canards. En 1947, Barks a dû se retirer de cette aventure, et a consacré le reste de sa carrière aux dessins de ses amis à plumes. Les histoires sont difficiles à obtenir
aux États-Unis et s'avèrent de coûteux objets de collection. Note : La réimpression chronologique en l'Allemagne n'a jamais été au-delà du deuxième album.
Carl Barks and Barney Bear
Early 1980s, no feet and with feet
"Between 1944 and 1947 Carl Barks drew 26 stories featuring the donkey Benny Burro and the bear Barney Bear for Dell Publishing. Soon he realized that the world of these two characters was limited and he invented new worlds for them, as he had done and would still do for his Ducks. He also triumphed in the short lived series in both quality and content. In 1947 Barks had to retreat from this excursion and dedicated the rest of his career fully to the drawings of his feathered friends. The stories are hard to get in the United States and are highly priced collector's items. Note: The aforementioned chronological reprinting in Germany never reached beyond the second album."