Paw Patrol is a Canadian CGI-animated television series created by Keith Chapman. It is produced by Spin Master Entertainment with animation provided by Guru Studio. In Canadan the series is primarily broadcaston TVOKids, which first ran previews of the show in August 2013. The series first aired on Nickelodeon in the United States on August 12,2013. The series focuses ona boy named Ryder who leads a pack of rescue dogs known as the PAW Patrol. They work together on missions to protect the shoreside community of Adventure Bay. EEach dog has a specific set of skills based on a real-life profession. For example, Marshall has the abilities of a firefighter and Chase's responsabilies are similar to those of a police officer. They all reside in doghouses that can transform into customized vehicles when necessary. They are also equiped with backpacks called pup packs that contain tools. Spin Master has developed the show into a media franchise abd released an ongoing line of toys based on it. PAW Patrol toy sales have generated millions of dollars in revenue for the corporation and increased Spin Master's presence in the preschool toy market. Despite the commercial success of the show, critical reception has been mixed. Several critics have called attention to its unequal gender representation because the team of dogs is primarily male. The show and its associated products, have received a variety of awards and nominations from associations such as Academy of Canadian Cimena & Television and the Academy of Televison Arts & Sciences.
Chase the German Shephard
Skye the Cockapoo
Rubble 2018
Rocky 2018