Batman - Captain America - Cat Woman - Flash - Green Lantern - Hulk - Ironman - Lizardman - Softhead - Spiderman - Superman - Thor - Wolverine - Wonder Woman -
"Barbara Gordon, daughter of police Commissioner James Gordon, is a college student attending Gotham State University. When Two Face sets up her father for taking bribes from Rupert Thorne, Barbara enlists the help of Batman to appear at a public rally for the Commissioner. When Batman dismisses the idea of making a "public appearance" Barbara takes matters into her own hands -- Barbara Gordon dresses in a Bat costume and attends the rally herself! When Robin spots the impostor, he chases after her. Grabbing the back of her cowl, he reveals her fiery red hair and thus "Batgirl" was born. With her gymnastic ability and innovative detective work she gains the respect of Batman and Robin. Barbara is similar in age to Robin, and the two share a flirtatious relationship." -DC Comics